Get more out of your data

Get more out of your data

4 June 2024

Data from analyses by Eurofins provide essential insight into nutrition, water and substrate. By combining this data with climate data, cultivation can be further optimized. Via various protocols, Eurofins can deliver data so that growers can access it in their dashboard.

As a grower, you collect a large amount of data every day from your climate computer, sensors and our laboratory analyses. But how do you manage all this data effectively and make the most of it? Combining and interpreting this data is an art in itself.

Eurofins offers the solution by reading analytical data through various protocols in your cultivation dashboard. This gives you better insight into your growing conditions and allows you to take the right measures to further optimize greenhouse climate and nutrition.

Available protocols

By default, we report the results of our laboratory analyses as PDF files and send them to your e-mail address. However, other options are also available:

The eLab file is a standard for the exchange of analysis data and associated information, such as units, customer data and analysis codes. This means that all the necessary information is available in one file to import into platforms, dashboards and other software you use at your company.

Give an authorization

Eurofins works with several partners who receive analysis data in this way and present it in the digital environment you use as a grower. All you have to do is sign an authorization form indicating to which dashboard or platform your data may be sent. This is because the analysis data is and remains your property. You determine whether these data may be sent to third parties, for example to a crop consultant.

Want to know more?

Contact us at +31 (0) 88 876 1014 or